Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Beautiful And Discreet Ultraviolet Tattoos

What’s the best way to get a tattoo on any part of your body…I mean any…. and not prevent you from getting that job that has a no tattoo policy? The answer comes in the form of Ultraviolet Tattoos. Ultra Violet tattoos are done with special ink that can only be seen under a black light. The UV tattoos are not visible under plain light so they can be anywhere on your body and the average onlooker will never notice. UV tattoos are most common for partygoers where blacks lights are common.

The biggest downside to UV tattoos are the safety concerns. In many cases, UV tattoo ink has caused severe rashes and there are some concerns that it may cause cancer. (No proven link yet) One of the main chemicals in the UV ink is phosphorous which is where the safety concerns come into place. He UV ink is usual homemade and NOT approved by the FDA.

Overall, UV tattoos are still in the trial and error stages but many people who don’t walk away with skin irritations are happy campers.

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