Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Glow In The Dark and Backlight UV Tattoos

What Are Glow In The Dark Tattoos?

To answer that question we must first look at the two distinctly different “glow-in-the-dark” tattoo categories:

-Glow-in-the-Dark Tattoos That Require No Light Source
-UV Reactive Tattoos That Require Back Lighting

Glow-in-the-Dark Tattoos That Require No Light Source
These tattoos do just what the title says: they glow in the dark without the use of a light source. Tattoos that fall into this category use what’s called “self-phosphoring” or “everglow” tattoo ink. Tattoo ink containing phosphors should be avoided because phosphor is a known carcinogen (Fishbein: Potential Industrial Carcinogens and Mutagens). Additionally in order to make the phosphors more visible radioactive substances are added to the ink.

UV Reactive Tattoos That Require Back Lighting
There are now UV inks available that are made from fluorescent ink that do not contain phosphors.
These inks have had fluorescent pigment added to colorless tattoo ink. This in turn leads to glow-in-the-dark tattoos that are only visible under a blacklight.

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